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Today, I could understand where do I need to go for my project. (Actuary, it is very later for my plan....) I discussed with Asociate professor about it. I could understand it, This 2-3 days, I listend the voice recoder what he said at before discussion. It was so long days for me at his days. From after waiking up to next waiking up, I listened his voice. What is his meaning? But I could not understand his word.... Why this problems happened? Because views are different location between him and me. Actuary, the problems were just one word what was "meeting". At 1st I thought meeting is to meet with faice to face. But I could not understand what's meaning he want to say.... Yesterday, I went to his office but he has too much working so he said he will give me his time at tomorrow(Today). 2nd day(after waiking up) I find other meaning what is "discussion." "meeting" meaning is discusse who is leader? I consider about it. And I found one solution. But.

suddenly X11 does not work at OSX

It was not working ,when I wanted to use X11 on the MacOSX. When I click the X11 icon from /Applications/Utilities. But it just wake up after that it downs...... After that, I try to start from the terminal(For me, it is iTerm). $/Applications/Utilities/X11/MacOSX/X11 Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CDI, removing from list After that X11 get down...... Some of the web page said, I can recover from this state.... :~/Library/Preferences$ mv Actualy, remove is enough. But it was 1st experience then I wanted just backup this file. I began to use X11.

Memo Desmoj ..... sendTraceNote

I can use sendTraceNote for outputting message on the trace note when I want to output message on it. The method can be called from the class what class extends the ModelComponet class. String message = "test message"; sendTraceNote(message);

Water Problem

I thought the wall is wet at my room. But in my opinion, the wet is just my hand..... Today (Last night) I knew..... The wet is WALL!!!!!!! Whaaaaat!!!!?????? Because my room is 3rd floor in the building what has 4 floors. If my thinking is right then the wet is since last week. So....The problem is NOT from man error....... ??????? Who made it???? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I will call room agency at today........ Busy made new busy.......ToT


It is heavy snow...... The snow steal handle much time when I went back to my house from school. It began to snow when I went to school. Just 4 hours later, the view was changed it is just white world. Suddenly it was changed. We can see a lot of traffic announce because of accidents. It was the first day for snowing. I think many of car was already changed tire to stUdless. And also mine. But It was not enough for such a heavy snowing. ^^;;;;;

Design miss

Today, I fined my design miss on graph class........ I think this class work for graph but it can not be used with my others class....... This class was not considered about I/O with others area.......