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I'm not specialist for security and I don't know very well about google authentication mechanism. However, recently, many web sites use google authentication mechanism. It is good idea because the site administrator does not need to have clients' passwords. And, I also like using the services onto many web sites. It is for not only security but also easy to make new accounts. However, some sites are support not only for desktop/ laptop service but also mobile clients. Yes, I also want to use there services from my mobile phone. However, in many cases, I need to input my login name and login password onto the mobile clients. Well..... I thought I don't need to input any password when I want to use there services, because I use google account. And, I don't have any password on the server, because I didn't create any password.... I think the mechanism is worth than not to use google account. Because some people who has no interest in computer use same passwor