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Our lab has 2 subnet for the networking. One is Line-1 and another one is Line-2. Today, we got trouble for printers. There printers are connected with Tcp/Ip. They are in the Line-1 networks. One of the person who uses Line-2 address asked me the printer trouble what she cannot use it. So, I checked it. 1. The network is working when that time. Sure I could shout ping to firewall and 2. All of Line-2 side machines could not use printer (shout printing queue and ping to printer address) but could use the networks. 3. From Line-1 machine we could use there printers. 4. Some time the printers response just a time when we shut ping. 5. Actuary, there printers could not access from others subnet. IS Center sent mail me. That problem is happened by networking router. Some time that router block some of mac address. For just this case it happened on just printers. but some time it will happened on other PCs. They are fined some solutions for this problem.


I used gDisk what we can use gmail like as data server. Now, I begin to use it for backup my projects. It is nice idea but current vearsion is not stabled. In the feuture, it will be so good software.

volunteer computing I found this site. This is one kind of volanteer computing for helping reserch for cancer. This is bit interesting. If I will be able to make some playing time then I will try to use it.


The simple simulation was work now. This 2 days, I fought with last bag. That was coming from Simulation Time. I used Normal distribute. But that method can output with in negative numbers. When that time, times were already over..... When I could fined message method this problem could fined. ------------------------Memo------------------------- When I do not want to use negative number. RealDistNormal a = new RealDistNormal(........); a.setNonNegative(boolean);


I ate cheese what name is Schabziger. That was salty and smell like as herb. I think it is good for cooking cheese with sea foods or meats(beef, ram....) And, some time in the bread(?)


今見たら,日本語blogには,ネガティブなOSXへの意見が多い. でも,ふと気がつくと,自分も今やMacユーザー まだまだ知らない事がたくさん有るけど. 開発環境としては,一番よろしいOSな気がする. Linuxよりお気に入りな部分  XCodeはEclipseのようにハングアップしない.  最近のFedoraはXが重たすぎて使い物にならない 今で気に入らない事.  よくわからん!  Webコンテンツのサービスがうけれない事が多すぎる.(これに関しては,Macしか使っていないユーザへの特に大きなデメリットであると思う)  熱い,重い