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I changed VW from ArrayList to HashMap then the code began to more simple. And, using java 5.0 made also code simple. But, 5.0 make more difficult to understand than before version or others language like as C.

Memo: null checking for String data

When I write following thing Java compiler out put errer. ====================== String s; ************* if(s == null) { *********** } ======================= and ====================== String s; ************* if(s.compareTo(null) == 0) { *********** } ====================== But, actuary I have to do following thing. ====================== String s = null; ************* if(s == null) { *********** } =======================

Memo: Field Serialies

When I want to passing message (Server to Client or Just out put field to File) I have to serialize there field. 1st. import from 2nd. implement "Serializable" to all of message Field class. I can accede just serialized field and just basic field (int, double, float, etc....) But, this is not all. I have to do more.....maybe....

My Eye...

Inside of my right eyelid had follicle mite....Since last friday..... That follicle mite touch my eye..... This thing made stress to my eye.... The stress for my eye break my health When i waked up at this morning, this follicle mite was broken. From that broken place to my following eyelid, it made brad pillar..... This pillar also push my eye. And, break my sleeping at earlier morning. ToT This 3 days, I had more few sleeping than the usual. When I got phone call from my mom I talked about it to her. She said I have few vitamin C. 1 week ago, my sister also had follicle mite on her eyelid.... But, after break it, i feel good. Before waking up at this morning, I had strong headache and also strong stiff neck. So, I will restart to write code. --------------------------------------------------- Memo When I change code from String to Segment. Sender program dumped exception. Using class is RMI. Exception is : At first, I have to fined why I cannot send m


Today, I could remove the bug that was found at yesterday. One class check just program state. And it has 2 method, one is turn on and another is turn off. 2 of there calling was different side........ So, Data submitter cannot fined about before job was already finished. Today, I will start to study about RMI. Actuary, it was already started.... But, just reading a book. If I can write code more smartly ^^;;;;;;;


Today, I fined new bag.... I could not see it when I run it with 30 robots and 20 segment. This thing is made by XCode. Today, I try to use Debuger on XCode. This is first experience. But,I got feeling about that moving was bit strange........ And, I could find from what is problem. I am finding how to repair it. That problem is in Checking between request queue and moving list. For new submitting is no problem. But, when the request is putted in to request queue, that checking process has any problems...... Maybe......I have to repair it to Open Campus........... I have no time to combine with ABC............ Maybe that process will make more problems......


I thought my condition was not bad when i waked up. But, when I typed keyboard I felt tired. I thought it is just my feeling. Then I went to my desk at school for changing feeling. But, feel tired is also feel tired. Code began to bad....... When I sleeping on desk, one of friends calling me. He told me one tool. Now, I dont want read anything. So, i didnt read about it. But, he said this tool encrypt file system. ..... I dont want to write more........