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Memo :Graph (Part 1)

This is just memo for Graph before implementing. This is 1st idea for implementing Graph. This version has no idea for checking intersection. Just Data structure...... HashMap ID : Integer(Long.......actuary) WaitingList : ArrayList WaitingList element(1)


This 2-3 days, I could not use gas. It was gas maintenance day when I found that I can not use it. This morning I called office about it. 30 minutes later, the officer was coming. And He said he forgot to open the plug when he maintenance it....... Today, I tried to write code for the graph for request management. But it mad too much other problems. After this writing, I will write one more time from before this changing. Hmmmmm............ Today, I start to study english from podcast. The name of that channel is ( I taught to listen is not so difficult.......I need to study for writing, reading and culture difference between english(?) and Japanese. This difference make my difficult to understand english. In addition, I think like as this lecture stile english studying are very boring like as college lectures. ^^;;;;;;

GMail Drive

Usualy I use OSX and linux. But just a machine what is in my room is Windows machine. Some weeks ago, I wrote gDisk for OSX. It is just for OSX. So I found any software like gDisk for Windows. So, i found GMail Drive. gDisk is just a software this meaning is when we make waking up it we can use gDisk like as remote drive. But we can use it like as local drive. We can see it like as local drive on the exproler. The name of this drive is GMail Drive on the exproler. But this apprication(Drive) has one problem. That is I used gDisk from OSX machine. But no data can be found from GMail Drive..... GDisk uses the area what has before sending mail. But maybe this Gmail Drive uses others area or different system. I use it not so much time. So I have no idea what this software can be uploading with big data. gDisk can not upload over than 10 files at same time. Sorry, but i didn't use speling check. I think this my writing maybe has too much strange speling and mening...... But I have to

sent off

One of my good friends went to back to his country. I sent off him to station. Usually, sad comes with time lag same as today...... After his bus went out from station it was coming. And it brings snivel and tear. So I walked 2 station with them. From now it never goes out..... I don't like to say "Good bye." Because the sound is bye for ever when we use it. So it is better to use same as usually for me. This one and half year, I could study too much thing from him. Actually I wanted to be with him much more time. And we went to Onsen much time. So after today I will have Onsen problem. For me, this problem is difficult much more than to write program code. To go to onsen just with me is not so fun. I hope we can meet again at some day not so far.

gDisk 0.6.1

Today, I try to use new gDisk version 0.6.1. Before version, I cannot see what files are on the server side. But current version I could do it. I think it is better than before version and it began to useful for backup software. But it has one problem.... When I uploaded more than 10 files at same time, it was clash down. I try to do it at 2-3 times but result was same..... I think it is one of the bag or the documents said about it (Actuary I read no document about it for this version)


I thought my Fedora machine is so slow when I want to use it for testing anything. I checked my machine using top command. Then...........load average: 11.6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't see such a big system load. So I check process in the top out put. I think gam_server has strange working. I search about it from google. Many of people also said about it. And this process make more other problems, too. Some one said he could not umount memory stick.(gam_server locked it) Some one also said gam_server use CPU 100%. Some one said he remove it from his system. But no one said it is safty or not.......... .........


In japan, we had holiday when the last Friday. Many of undergraduate students make many party at there school. Also my before university. But it is not holiday for me. Sure I have to work more..... but it was difficult now....... stiff neck hurt my life...... All of my muscle began to hard. So this kind of strong season changing make difficult to life at ishikawa-ken. It make break my current life. I will massage me by myself before to go to bed. (Actuary I didn't get out from bed today. ^^;;;;) I will be walking at tomorrow. And reset there.