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MS Office 2004 for MacOSX update

Today, I feel tired. I'm in my bed.... Today, MS Office 2004 for Mac OSX got update.... I find a problem about update. The update system is so smart because we cannot update all version at same time. Usually, I update just a time when I remind about it. However, today I try to push update after updating the office. Then I could see more update packages. Finally, I update more than 4 times. It is not convenient to use.....

USB bootable linux(Knoppix)

Knoppix is one kind of Linux distribution that can boot from CD or DVD. It is useful when the OS get crash. Well, following site providing the USB bootable Knoppix. Recent CD/DVD bootable linux can not overwrite all data to there media (without others data media) However,we can write the some data if it can be booted from USB memory stick. Actually, I have not used it, yet.... If some one use it then let me know about it, please.

[OS] ReactOS

Today, I got new informations from my younger student. He told me that we will be able to use the new Free OS. This OS called as ReactOS. It is looks like between Unix and Windows. The most special thing is that the OS is compatibility with Windows XP and NT. They was be able to use Diablo 2, Remote Desktop and etc... on that OS. ^^;;;;

[ Ubuntu ] printer set up

I set up the new printer on my Ubuntu Linux machine. I had problem about the password. The printer management system asked my password before finishing to set-up it. However, the system kicked my password. I suspected it. Then I changed password from command prompt. And try it again. However. the system also kicked my new password. I ask to prof. google then many of person had same problems. The solution is just easy. We try it with as admin users. However, the system need the user that the user have to have lpadmin groups. So, you can add your account to /etc/group as lpadmin. #sudo vi /etc/group and add your account name to the end of lpadmin lpadmin:x:109:your_user_name, your_username2(if your pc has more than 2 administrators)


Rimo It is one of the streaming server as youtube. Maybe, there movies data got from the youtube or others streaming servers. The special thing about this server is movies playing. We need to click the movies when we want to watch the movies on the youtube or it is not useful for us. In my images, the internet tv sites are also no action for the tv playing. We don't need to click or other action for the watching next video on the It makes more detail categories than the youtube or And we can watch all of the videos that are in the same categories.

Autumn will go.......

Today, I went to Kaga-area. Last month, I went to Yamanaka-onsen for the workshop. I bought sparkling sake from Sake-plant. My grand mother likes it. She called me and she said that she want to drink more. So, I went to buy it. I also went to Beppu-Onsen to buy onsen-tamago. There photos are autumn Japanese mountain. Onsen : Hot spring Onsen-tamago : The egg that is boiled by the hot spring Sake : rice wine

The map of flu

We can see the map that the warning area for the flu from the following address. 国立感染症研究所 感染症情報センター Hokkai-do area already begin the flu. And, Tokyo and Nagano also began but it is just "sound off".... Maybe you know Nagano by winter olympics. I like to go there for the skiing.


KompoZer is the next version of NVU. This is provided by Mozilla Org. as free software. The development of NVU was stopped. It was separeted from mozilla browser. It is useful software for makeing Web-page. But the behavior was bit strange and difficult to see it when we developping the web-pages. KompoZer also can use as ftp client. We don't need to download the file when we change the web-pages. We need just useing the ftp client and change it. After that we can back the data to the web server by the ftp-client.

new google searvice

The new(?) google searvice. We can make the home page on the web browser. The created home pages are on the google server. So we don't need to register the home page on other site. the example of the created page is following link. To make web page was not so difficult. To use it is same as the MS-Word. And it is saved automatically.

Sad mistake

These days, I looked just a source code. The code behavior is heartbeat program with neko. The code could pass the compile however it doesn't work.... Today, i could find the problem point. It was so simple and sad problem. It was from constructor. Neko algorithm class maybe allow just one argument that is NekoProcess. However, I set 2 and 3 arguments. Consider now, it is not work. I have no memory that I made some instance for the algorithm class in my some code. (Actually, I made it at the initializer class. But it was not able to control it. It is not sure I can change that line or not. I will do it later.)

price of gasoline

Today, I installed "Gasoline Kakaku .com" to my iGoogle. Gasoline Kakaku .com provides the price of Gasoline on the google map. I checked the difference of gasoline price between Osaka and Ishikawa. We can buy the gasoline near the 136-8 yen/liter at osaka city. However, we meed 145-150 yen/liter at Ishikawa. * late......1$ <---> 116\ Well......we could buy gasoline 79-80 yen when I bought my car. It began two times...ToT


2 days ago, I bought coffee with my friends from the internet shop. Today, it leached to us. Our members are 4. We bought 400 packs of coffee then we can drink 100 pack. This is 4 or 5 times buying. Last buying was just a month ago. Usually, we drank the 100 pack of coffee just a month....

Bug???? FireFox

I'm using the Ubuntu Linux. Today, FireFox is updated..... This update makes problem for it. The problems are two. 1. FireFox is closed by core dumped when I used some functions that needs pop-up window. EX. set-up or download.... 2. FireFox got the down when I access to the site what uses the https. It is big problem for me....... ^^;;;;;


My breadbasket had fat ball(follicle mite). Yesterday, it was broken by my pants. Today, the broken point got virus... My breadbasket change color to read. I thought I got one more new bast on my breadbasket..... ToT So, I cannot sleep....... ToT I want to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^;;;;;

entrance formality

I did do the entrance formality at today. At the morning, I went out from my room to the bank for paying the entrance fee. 300,000yen was not so thick. After that, I reached my desk. And I found my photo for the entrance form. The bad thing is my university need so much size of photo. when ever I have to go photo processor for taking my photo.


Since last April, cvs at my laptop was not working. I got error message when I run the cvs. The error message was... cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot exec /usr/bin/ssh : No such file or directory cvs [checkout aborted]: received broken pipe signal Some of site said.... it is one of the cvs bug. So I thought so. However, today, I could fined that was wrong for my case. The problem was environment variables named CVS_RSH. Actually I don't want to say where was wrong because the problem was...... I feel shy..... The environment variables had 2bit characters..... If you got error as above then you should check 2 thing. 1. the ssh path is right? 2. the variables has no strange characters? No cvs life was sad......

GCC for Pocket PC

I bought Pocket PC at yesterday. Some of friends install CoLinux to PocketPC. However, dual boot machines are not useful. Actually, the Pocket PC is PHS. So, If I install CoLinux to my PHS then I cannot use phone when I am booting Linux. Usually, I use cygwin on my windows pc. So, I find cygwin for PocketPC. When that time, I found gcc for Pocket PC. The name is CeGCC. I haven't used it yet. We can cross compile on my PC. If I have some free time then I will try it.

Big earthquake

2-30 minutes ago, it was strong earthquake at Nigata. M6.6 Ishikawa has also moving. In the TV program, it has few problem now. Shinkansen was stoped, but now it is wortking. Newclear power plant has been stoped. This a week, I could not sleep..... Everyday, I could sleep at most 4 hours. But, I think I will be able to do after today..... (Im so sorry for Nigata-city person.....) But every before a week when somewhere has earthquake in the world, my sleep less week began...... ToT Actuary, I was so tired..... 2 years ago, Nigata-city had earthquake. When that time, they got too strong atacked. This year, Ishikawa-city had earthquake. And today.... many of there got big darmages....... Nihon-kai(kai = sea) has too much atomic power generation plants. Because it has no earthquake at after the 2nd war. But to see the long priod, it has too much strong it. Finally, I'm ok,


Today, I could understand where do I need to go for my project. (Actuary, it is very later for my plan....) I discussed with Asociate professor about it. I could understand it, This 2-3 days, I listend the voice recoder what he said at before discussion. It was so long days for me at his days. From after waiking up to next waiking up, I listened his voice. What is his meaning? But I could not understand his word.... Why this problems happened? Because views are different location between him and me. Actuary, the problems were just one word what was "meeting". At 1st I thought meeting is to meet with faice to face. But I could not understand what's meaning he want to say.... Yesterday, I went to his office but he has too much working so he said he will give me his time at tomorrow(Today). 2nd day(after waiking up) I find other meaning what is "discussion." "meeting" meaning is discusse who is leader? I consider about it. And I found one solution. But.

suddenly X11 does not work at OSX

It was not working ,when I wanted to use X11 on the MacOSX. When I click the X11 icon from /Applications/Utilities. But it just wake up after that it downs...... After that, I try to start from the terminal(For me, it is iTerm). $/Applications/Utilities/X11/MacOSX/X11 Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CDI, removing from list After that X11 get down...... Some of the web page said, I can recover from this state.... :~/Library/Preferences$ mv Actualy, remove is enough. But it was 1st experience then I wanted just backup this file. I began to use X11.

Memo Desmoj ..... sendTraceNote

I can use sendTraceNote for outputting message on the trace note when I want to output message on it. The method can be called from the class what class extends the ModelComponet class. String message = "test message"; sendTraceNote(message);

Water Problem

I thought the wall is wet at my room. But in my opinion, the wet is just my hand..... Today (Last night) I knew..... The wet is WALL!!!!!!! Whaaaaat!!!!?????? Because my room is 3rd floor in the building what has 4 floors. If my thinking is right then the wet is since last week. So....The problem is NOT from man error....... ??????? Who made it???? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I will call room agency at today........ Busy made new busy.......ToT


It is heavy snow...... The snow steal handle much time when I went back to my house from school. It began to snow when I went to school. Just 4 hours later, the view was changed it is just white world. Suddenly it was changed. We can see a lot of traffic announce because of accidents. It was the first day for snowing. I think many of car was already changed tire to stUdless. And also mine. But It was not enough for such a heavy snowing. ^^;;;;;

Design miss

Today, I fined my design miss on graph class........ I think this class work for graph but it can not be used with my others class....... This class was not considered about I/O with others area.......

Memo :Graph (Part 1)

This is just memo for Graph before implementing. This is 1st idea for implementing Graph. This version has no idea for checking intersection. Just Data structure...... HashMap ID : Integer(Long.......actuary) WaitingList : ArrayList WaitingList element(1)


This 2-3 days, I could not use gas. It was gas maintenance day when I found that I can not use it. This morning I called office about it. 30 minutes later, the officer was coming. And He said he forgot to open the plug when he maintenance it....... Today, I tried to write code for the graph for request management. But it mad too much other problems. After this writing, I will write one more time from before this changing. Hmmmmm............ Today, I start to study english from podcast. The name of that channel is ( I taught to listen is not so difficult.......I need to study for writing, reading and culture difference between english(?) and Japanese. This difference make my difficult to understand english. In addition, I think like as this lecture stile english studying are very boring like as college lectures. ^^;;;;;;

GMail Drive

Usualy I use OSX and linux. But just a machine what is in my room is Windows machine. Some weeks ago, I wrote gDisk for OSX. It is just for OSX. So I found any software like gDisk for Windows. So, i found GMail Drive. gDisk is just a software this meaning is when we make waking up it we can use gDisk like as remote drive. But we can use it like as local drive. We can see it like as local drive on the exproler. The name of this drive is GMail Drive on the exproler. But this apprication(Drive) has one problem. That is I used gDisk from OSX machine. But no data can be found from GMail Drive..... GDisk uses the area what has before sending mail. But maybe this Gmail Drive uses others area or different system. I use it not so much time. So I have no idea what this software can be uploading with big data. gDisk can not upload over than 10 files at same time. Sorry, but i didn't use speling check. I think this my writing maybe has too much strange speling and mening...... But I have to

sent off

One of my good friends went to back to his country. I sent off him to station. Usually, sad comes with time lag same as today...... After his bus went out from station it was coming. And it brings snivel and tear. So I walked 2 station with them. From now it never goes out..... I don't like to say "Good bye." Because the sound is bye for ever when we use it. So it is better to use same as usually for me. This one and half year, I could study too much thing from him. Actually I wanted to be with him much more time. And we went to Onsen much time. So after today I will have Onsen problem. For me, this problem is difficult much more than to write program code. To go to onsen just with me is not so fun. I hope we can meet again at some day not so far.

gDisk 0.6.1

Today, I try to use new gDisk version 0.6.1. Before version, I cannot see what files are on the server side. But current version I could do it. I think it is better than before version and it began to useful for backup software. But it has one problem.... When I uploaded more than 10 files at same time, it was clash down. I try to do it at 2-3 times but result was same..... I think it is one of the bag or the documents said about it (Actuary I read no document about it for this version)