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Wasabi Ginger Ale

Last sunday, I went to cycling with my friend. After finishing to ride, we entered to convenience store. Then we found a strange bottle. The bottle is named wasabi ginger ale!!! What????? Wasabi + Ginger ale???? We tried to drink this. This drink has strong ginger taste. I like this strong ginger taste, actually. Well..... where is a wasabi???? I drank little bit more...... Hummm........ I can not find the taste of wasabi...... Maybe...... 30 seconds later from drinking, I could feel small smell of wasabi..... I think the ginger taste was too strong for wasabi smell..... ~_~;;;

SonyEricsson xperia ray ICS ver.

I reviewed little bit about sony ericsson Xperia ray, when I update from GB to ICS. Well, from the beginning, one of the problem on my phone is the function of phone call. This is not only for ICS but also for GB. Because, for me, the largest application is address book. Usually, I use default address book app. When I start up the address book app, it is ok. First problem is scrolling. Sometime, the app gets a crash, when i try to scroll down my address book. And second one is when i try calling. When I call someone, I open address book then I choose one of elements in list. when the time, the state changing from address book to calling has more than 3 seconds. I don't know why it is happened. But, it is one of big problem for me.... because it is mobile phone...... ~_~;;; I think next topic is related with above thing. The next topic is about memory (RAM.) I think(not sure, because i forget) the xperia ray has 512MB of ram.  The real usable size of ram is 340MB. It was enough

Android :: speed

   Usually, our system becomes speed (performance) down, when we install many application. We can say same thing onto our android phone.    Some of my friends also said same thing. In this post, I did not any evaluate about anything. All of my writing in this post is only from my experience and feeling.   Many case, the performance down on android comes from RAM space. I used task manager for this problem 2years ago. And some people do it. Well, I found one thing. We can control the task execution because of the application. However, many of android task managers are executed as background process. Such kind of application will be one factor for speed down.  I removed such kind of background executed task manager.   This is my result to use android mobile phone. The problem for speed down is application cache and background executed process.  So, I use two application.   First application is app2sd. The main feature of app2sd is move application from phone strage to sd card. Ho

Don't update ubuntu from old version to 12.04LTS

As the title, I think you should not update from old version of Ubuntu to latest version of ubuntu. Yes, if you customize so much and to re-customize is quite difficult then you can not avoid update.  However, if you do not customize so much then you should remove current installed ubuntu and cleaninstall the latest version. The reason is following. From 08.04, I had many troubles for ubuntu update especially X configuration. I use 4 different ubuntu desktop and 2 virtual computer on vmware. Only on vmware's ubuntu can be update safely. My friend is also using ubuntu. However, his computer also had many troubles. He using some server software on ubuntu. So, he did want to update from zero. And his computer got crash before x started. He used some days for repair that problem. For me, many of computers are only for desktop except one computer. So, usually, I update them and got crash then I remove them and reinstall from zero. Because, I don't want to use time for repair the

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS : review

I tried to use Ubuntu 12.04 from last week. For the total view, I think 12.04 is the most stable version except default desktop. This meaning is that if you will clean-install from zero then the system is so stable. I tried to update from 11.10 to 12.04. The updating was completed. But it was not stable especially x-windows system. Usually, I work on ubuntu and intelli-j. So, x-windows system's problem is critical for me ^^;; Finally, I formated the system partition and reinstall 12.04 from zero. And, I changed window manager to GNOME, then the system became quite good. Before 11.10, my computer could not find sound board. ( my computer has one sound card, one onboard sound card, and one USB sound card) I think my computer could know the usual sound card when i installed 10.04(?). However, after some updating, the system could not find any sound card. So, I gave up to setting up and I bought new USB sound card. However, it was not worked on my computer, too.  However, when I

Xperia ray (ST18i) : GB ---> ICS

I use Xperia ray (ST18i). Xperia ray has multiple type of versions. I know JP version, US, North europa, Asia, and china. And, I know JP version is one of the worst version for new release because of economic and political reason. So, I bought from hong kong. However, china version also had different meaning of political reason. I thought it is good for SIM free version. However, the bad point is that the phone cannot access to google account even if it is android phone. So, i decided to flash the rom from 2.3 to 4.0. I used official rom for north europa version. Many sites explain how to change rom. So, I don't do this. This time, I got friend's help. Because, the rom flashing too is provided for Windows or Linux. I have linux machines but it has many risks for flashing rom with linux machine. I thought that I should wait for real release for my phone. The first release was last april for US version. And, I waited almost 1 month. However, it could not get new release. Th